A collection of tutorials/books/reading lists/courses that might help.

Miscellaneous things sorted by subjects

Here I would like to keep a list of references not directly related to Robotics but lay the foundation of, or at least somewhat related to the algorithmic aspect of Robotics. This list will be updated irregularly.

The Art of Communication

Communication happens everywhere all the time. In his book Make it Clear, Patrick H. Winston wrote “Your success likely will be determined by how well you speak, by how well you write, and by the quality of your ideas, in that order.”

Numerical methods


  • Dimitri Bertsekas has a ton of amazing books and papers, but quite unfortunately I am not quite a fan of his style.

Convex Optimization

  • See Convex Optimization [PDF] by S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe for a basic overview of convex optimization. The book is clearly written and well understandable. It also has lecture videos that can be easily found on Youtube, which is a delight to watch.

  • Beyond the basics, here are a few of my interests: distributed optimization, optimization on non-smooth and non-differentiable convex problems and high-speed solver implementations.

  • Proximal Algorithms by Neal Parikh and Stephen Boyd.

  • ADMM is an old algorithm and has seen a recent revival probably due to the need for large-scale distributed optimization. See Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers by S. Boyd et al. for a modern introduction. A talk by Boyd: link.

  • There is a new book (as of September, 2020) coming up dealing with convex optimization: Algorithms for Convex Optimization by Nisheeth K. Vishnoi. I will take some time to go through the book. The author also has some interesting blogs.

  • Here is a very nice explanation on the intuition of the dual problem. It is in fact the first tutorial I have seen that clearly presents what dual problem is in plain English, in constratry to tons of mathematical formulae.

Nonlinear Optimization

Game Physics

Computer Graphics

I am a completely freshly green new babie to the CG world, I would like to keep a list of things that helped me the most during my CG journey.